Collaborative Commercial Partnerships

We establish mutual benefit agreements between private companies and rural enterprises of campesinos and ex-combatants. These partnerships provide communities with alternatives to overcome violent conflict, improving market channels for their projects.
Reunión de personas del territorio y PASO Colombia

PASO's accompaniment has made it possible to sign a framework agreement between the COOMULNES Cooperative (from the ERA of Tuluá) and the Costal Campesino company, for the production of specialty coffee and its export.
Under the brand Paramillo, ex-combatants market the coffee that they grow in the ETCR, as well as the coffee that they buy from other growers in the region. The coffee is purchased at fair prices, using a solidarity economy approach.
Within the Rural Alternative School (ERA) of Miranda, Cauca, a CCP has been developed between PASO Colombia, Hugo Restrepo & Co., and the two cooperatives of peasants and ex-combatants participating in this ERA to cultivate and sell tabasco chili peppers.
Through this collaborative commercial partnership participants at the Rural Alternative School (ERA) in San Jose del Guaviare sell organic feed for animals to the community around the Colinas hamlet and to the cooperatives COOJAPAL and COOMACOL.
PASO's accompaniment has made it possible to sign a framework agreement between the COOMULNES Cooperative (from the ERA of Tuluá) and the Costal Campesino company, for the production of specialty coffee and its export.
Within the Rural Alternative School (ERA) of Miranda, Cauca, a CCP has been developed between PASO Colombia, Hugo Restrepo & Co., and the two cooperatives of peasants and ex-combatants participating in this ERA to cultivate and sell tabasco chili peppers.